
alcohol-related dementia
16 Dec 2021

What You Need to Know About Alcohol-Related Dementia

Regular incidents of bingeing alcohol could result in brain damage like alcohol-related dementia. People with this condition experience a rapid reduction in cognitive ability, mood swings and an overall difficulty in achieving everyday tasks. What Causes Alcohol-Related Dementia? A study found that heavy drinking places people three times more at risk...

sunday sermon disaster
12 Dec 2021

Sunday Sermon: Hope in the Wake of Disaster

Today's Sunday Sermon takes place days after the tornadoes that devastated the southeastern United States. Our message explores the ways in which God shows up, even in the middle of a disaster. This service is guided by a reading from John Murray: "Go out into the highways and by-ways,...

5 Dec 2021

Sunday Sermon: Connection Makes Life Worth Living

This Sunday, Cumberland Heights was able to host a Sunday service with a larger group of attendees. This inspired a discussion about connection and isolation. The pandemic has divided the world at large into pockets of solitude, which can negatively impact mental health and sobriety. It's critical that we...

how to deal with manipulative family members
1 Dec 2021

Holiday Advice: How to Deal with an Emotional Manipulator

Family Manipulation During the Holidays Going home for the holidays can be special, but for many people in recovery, it’s a time of anxiety. Why? Families are complicated! No matter how much you have changed since leaving the nest, something about going back under your parents’ roof brings up old...

signs of depression in men
30 Nov 2021

Signs of Depression in Men

Depression is sometimes considered a female disease, and indeed is diagnosed in women twice as often as in men. However, the gender difference may not be entirely due to women’s being more susceptible. The signs of depression are frequently different in men, and the illness may go undiagnosed if...

woman struggling with pills
28 Nov 2021

Sunday Sermon: Grieving The Loss of Substance Use

We have a grieving process that we go through when we decide to quit and move into recovery. We are making a difficult decision to break up with a relationship that we've been a part of for many years. But in this breakup, or "recovery" process, we move into...

non-alcoholic drinks Thanksgiving
23 Nov 2021

Non-Alcoholic Drinks for Thanksgiving

Planning the holiday menu when you are in recovery from an addiction to alcohol might be challenging. There are many delicious options for non-alcoholic drinks for Thanksgiving that will fit right in with the most festive of gatherings, though. Try these Thanksgiving-themed beverages that feature the tastes of the...

mental health
21 Nov 2021

Sunday Sermon: Choosing Our Focus

"What you focus on determines what you miss and who you become," a quote by Eric Allenbaugh was the topic of this Sunday's sermon. If we focus on negativity, criticism and pain we are missing the opportunity to give and receive love.  

14 Nov 2021

Sunday Sermon: God As You Understand God

Alan Whitley shares a powerful message on pluralism, meaning among those in 12-Step recovery, there exists a wide diversity of beliefs. We believe in allowing each person to enter and work the program without intimidation from those who possess different views. The 12-Step spirituality is more than a set...

heroin withdrawal
4 Nov 2021

Heroin Withdrawal

Not too many decades ago, the best-known “treatment” for heroin withdrawal was toughing it out “cold turkey”—which, in stereotypical media portrayals, usually meant a stark bedroom setting with a dirty cot and no supervision. Not a pleasant image, nor a particularly accurate one, since hospital treatment has been an...