
anger management in addiction recovery
26 Feb 2021

Anger Management Tips for Early Recovery

People who have used drugs and alcohol have long, difficult roads to face in recovery. When you compound substance abuse with an anger management problem, addiction is even more complicated to overcome. Whichever behavior led to the other, anger and addiction provoke each other in a destructive pattern. Each...

mood charting
19 Feb 2021

How Mood Charting Can Improve Your Mental Health

The Benefits of Mood Charting Everyone has fleeting feelings and longer-lasting moods. Some of us are able to stay pretty steady throughout our lives, while others go from upbeat to discouraged to apprehensive in the blink of an eye. Across the board, one thing is true: humans experience countless mood...

14 Feb 2021

Sunday Sermon: Ash Wednesday

In this message, we take a look at Ash Wednesday as a Christian tradition and what taking this moment of reflection can mean to our recovery.  Whether you are Christian or not, Ash Wednesday is a time to embrace our humility about our place in the wide universe, a...

time management skills
12 Feb 2021

5 Ways to Enhance Your Time Management Skills

Time management is a skill that people try to improve every day of their lives. The goal being to achieve tasks and responsibilities in a productive, efficient manner. It’s a technique that most people struggle with; however, it can be especially difficult for those in recovery. To ensure that...

cognitive distortions
7 Feb 2021

Sunday Sermon: Mindsets

We can be of one of two mindsets. One is a closed, limited mindset where we are unwilling to consider new information and have a set way of viewing the world. In that we are limiting ourselves. The other is an open mindset in which we are open to...

Groundhog Day
2 Feb 2021

“Every Day Was Like Groundhog Day”

Today is February 2nd – across the United States, we’re celebrating Groundhog Day. Many kids are asking whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year (he did). However, for those of us who are old enough to remember, this occasion has added meaning. Consider this quote: “Sometimes in life, your situation will...

The parable of the prodigal
31 Jan 2021

Sunday Sermon: Sabbath Rest

Many of us know Sabbath as the day of rest. But how do we interpret this? In our productivity-obsessed culture, most look at The Sabbath as a day to rest to refuel for the busy following six days. But let's challenge that and instead look at those six days...

is addiction genetic
29 Jan 2021

Is Addiction Genetic?

Why can some people enjoy an occasional glass of wine at dinner, while others feel like they just can’t stop drinking? Why do some people take medications after a surgery and then stop, while others develop an addiction to opioids? Researchers have been trying to figure out the answers...

Appalachian Mountains
24 Jan 2021

Sunday Sermon: Step 3

In Step 3 we are making a decision to turn our will and life over to the care of God as we understand him. In other words, are you ready to think and act differently? In Step 3, we've already decided we need help and to ask for it....

Volunteering benefits during recovery
17 Jan 2021

Sunday Sermon: Inter-dependence

Community is one of the foundational pieces of our recovery.  In this service, we explore the concept of “inter-dependence” and what it means to rely on others in our recovery.  If as a community we each give what we have an allow ourselves to receive from others, we will...