
3 Jan 2021

Sunday Sermon: The Sunday of Epiphany

The Sunday of Epiphany marks the journey of the three wise men to visit the Christ child.  In this narrative, the story ends with the wise men "returning home by a different route."  What does it mean that they go a different way after seeing God on Earth?  In...

New Year's resolutions
28 Dec 2020

The Best New Year’s Resolutions for People in Recovery

New Year's Resolutions in Recovery While Americans prepare to leave 2020 behind for good, they have also begun to look ahead to 2021. Each year, we celebrate the changing of the calendar with resolutions – ambitious, exciting goals for the year ahead. However, most of us won’t stick with those resolutions...

27 Dec 2020

Sunday Sermon: The Real Work of Christmas

Yes, it's important for us to learn how to receive, but after we learn that special gift of receiving and move forward in our recovery, we gain the beautiful opportunity to give. This poem by Howard Thurman captures that recovery process so well. The Work of Christmas When the song of...

21 Dec 2020

Teen Tips: 5 Ways to Stay Sober Over the Holidays

For some, the holidays are filled with magic, joy, community and, warm feelings of love and splendor. For others, this season conjures memories of hurt, shame and anxiety; feelings that are medicated using drugs and alcohol. If you’re a teenager at home for the holidays and these times are...

20 Dec 2020

Sunday Sermon: The Story of Mary

As Christmas comes quickly this year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the story of Mary, the woman who bore the Christ child.  We see that God can choose and use any of us to serve the world and to bring light into it.  We also reflect on...

addiction is a disease
18 Dec 2020

Addiction is a Disease, Not a Moral Issue

Past Misconceptions About Addiction For thousands of years, addiction has been a part of the human experience. Unfortunately, it was originally considered an issue of morality, not health. Today we know that addiction is a disease, but in the past, this was not the case. When people became dependent on a...

Cumberland Heights Alumni & Staff Annual Patient Holiday Party
15 Dec 2020

Hope for the Holidays

Sitting on a waiting list for treatment is a dangerous place to be when in the throes of addiction. But that’s exactly where many of those struggling found themselves when COVID-19 cases started to rise across the country.  Like many other facilities that treat substance use disorders, Cumberland Heights,...

7 Ways to Avoid Stress During the Holidays
13 Dec 2020

Sunday Sermon: A Lesson in Receiving

In this Sunday Sermon, Stan Bumgarner shares a story about a time he tried to teach his young children about the importance of giving, but in turn learned a lesson in graciously receiving from someone less fortunate.

11 Dec 2020

Navigating the Holiday Season Amid a Pandemic

The holiday season is upon us! Depending on the day, you may feel like 2020 has been either incredibly short or endlessly long. After months of quarantine, social distancing and isolation, we have finally made it to the days of festivity and family fun. However, as you relax with...

6 Dec 2020

Sunday Sermon: Letting Go

In this Sunday Sermon, Michelle Morris talks about "letting go" and asking ourselves what we want to leave behind in 2020.  She challenges us to ask ourselves what we can do without and then to put in the work to let it go. Also in the sermon, a lesson...