
addictive personality
10 Jul 2020

Is There Such a Thing as an Addictive Personality?

Is There Such a Thing as an Addictive Personality? For as long as substance use has existed, people have wondered whether certain character traits can predict whether a person will become an addict. The answer? No. Research has found no universal “addictive personality” common to everyone with a substance use...

6 Jul 2020

ARCH Academy – Substance Abuse Prevention Programming

Remember the days when the message being sent to Americans about substance use was “Just Say No”? In 1980, marshaled by former First Lady Nancy Reagan, this campaign was targeted at children to promote resistance skills to peer pressure. Although these motives were virtuous at heart, they did little...

independence day
3 Jul 2020

Celebrating Independence in Recovery

As we look forward to this Independence Day weekend, our staff encourages you to celebrate your own independence: freedom from drugs and alcohol. Individuals who have overcome the struggles of addiction to live full lives in recovery should take this opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments. We’re proud of...

mental health first aid
26 Jun 2020

Companies Offering Mental Health First Aid Training

In cooperation with the National Council for Behavioral Health, pharmacy giant Walgreens has just completed its initial phase of Mental Health First Aid training. This endeavor was announced last May as a part of Mental Health Month. This education has been provided to all of the company’s health outcomes...

sunlight through trees
23 Jun 2020

Shinrin-Yoku: The Power of Forest Therapy

Japan is one of the most overworked nations in the world. If you don’t believe me, there is literally a word that translates to “death by overwork”, that word is Karoshi (過労死). The major causes of death from karoshi are heart attack and stroke due to stress and starvation diet....

unemployment and addiction
19 Jun 2020

Unemployment and Addiction | The Fallout of COVID-19

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans have found themselves working remotely, unemployed or furloughed for the foreseeable future. This is of particular concern to those working in the recovery space. Research shows that a significant link exists between national trends of unemployment and addiction. Today,...

Is teletherapy confidential?
12 Jun 2020

Is Teletherapy Confidential? | Frequently Asked Questions

The novel coronavirus has completely shifted the world of behavioral healthcare. Many individuals, especially those who are immunocompromised or elderly, have decided to forgo in-person treatment in favor of outpatient telehealth programs. These newly popularized services have spurred many questions from potential patients. Chief among these: Is teletherapy confidential? Does...

9 Jun 2020

Cumberland Heights Benefit Concert Featuring Hatch Show Print

There are many distinctions that make Nashville a popular city for tourists, transplants and locals alike. For instance, the famous Nashville Hot Chicken grew from a modest mom and pop joint to a national icon. The popular Broadway Street, where aspiring musicians and celebrity performances can be heard playing...

sleep disorders
5 Jun 2020

Link Found: Alcoholism Can Cause Sleep Disorders

The term "sleep disorders" refers to disruptions in a person’s quality and quantity of sleep. Individuals with insomnia may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or reaching a deep level of restorative REM sleep. Regardless of the details, the outcome is the same: a person wakes up in the...

Sunday Sermon: The Rich Young Man
3 Jun 2020

We Are People Who Would Normally Not Mix

Everyone has a specific narrative that they have lived through. No matter what your economic background, race, religion, politics or social demographic is, each one of us has experienced a wide range of the human experience. Happiness, joy, pleasure, fear, shame, guilt, hatred or love, we are all human....

working from home
29 May 2020

Working from Home | How to Thrive in Self-Quarantine

Working from Home Just a few months ago, working from home was the exception to the rule. Today, just over half of employed Americans have begun to work remotely in response to COVID-19. Zapier conducted a survey in partnership with The Harris Poll and gathered some valuable insights about how...

22 May 2020

Telehealth Services Expand in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak

The novel coronavirus has required many adaptations from businesses and individuals alike. Social distancing guidelines resulted in the closure of offices, the cancellation of therapy sessions and the cessation of group meetings. For those in recovery, this initially presented a large obstacle: how could these people still access much-needed...