
What Every Alumni Needs, Even After They’ve Completed Their Program
12 Sep 2019

Understanding The Addiction Process

There are a lot of misconceptions about addiction, with many people unable to understand how or why their loved ones become addicted to drugs. Historically it was believed that those who use drugs do so because of a lack of willpower or moral principle. Family members who believed this way...

11 Sep 2019

How to Focus on Your Strengths to Build a Better Life

Life is full of challenges, ups, and downs, hills, and valleys. But research demonstrates that there are two main things you can do to actively manage your well-being. Sound too good to be true? Research shows that the power of positive thinking is absolutely good for your overall state of...

How Meditation Can Help You Release Anger and Fear
10 Sep 2019

The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Treatment

More so than ever before, religion and spirituality are playing a central role in the therapeutic process. Part of the reason for this trend is studies that show the significant influence that spirituality and religiosity have on everyday life. For example, one study indicated that 61% of Americans consider...

Music in Addiction Recovery
9 Sep 2019

The Power of Music in Addiction Recovery

Music is a powerful medium for people worldwide – it can transport us into long-forgotten memories, aid us in working through trauma, and inspire us to keep going when times get tough. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this approach can contribute significantly to healing from addiction to...

Sunday Sermon: The Rich Young Man
8 Sep 2019

Sunday Sermon: The Rich Young Man

Sunday Sermon: The Rich Young Man September 8, 2019 What is our most prized possession? What do we want to hold on to at all cost? Our belief system! In this talk Stan explores the Biblical story of the Rich Young Man as a way to understand why we must be...

What Are Some of the Emotions Families Go Through When a Loved One is Addicted?
6 Sep 2019

Why we celebrate National Recovery Month

Those of us who work in the field of addiction hear a lot of sad stories. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 17 million Americans are dependent on alcohol. That’s 6.6% of the population. Nearly half of the adult population has a close friend or...

Can Mental Disorders Influence Addiction?
6 Sep 2019

What Is PTSD and How Is It treated?

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health issue that can develop after witnessing or experiencing a life-threatening event such as combat, sexual assault, a natural disaster or a car accident. After such an experience, it may be hard at first to engage in normal daily activities, such as...

What Are Some of the Emotions Families Go Through When a Loved One is Addicted?
6 Sep 2019

The Family’s Role in Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Addiction rarely affects an individual in isolation. When one family member has a substance abuse disorder, the consequences are felt throughout the entire family. In fact, researchers have learned a great deal not only about how addiction impacts the family but also how the family constellation can affect the...

With New Year’s Coming Up, How Can I Talk to My Teen About Alcohol?
5 Sep 2019

What is Behavioral Couples Therapy and How Does it Work?

Chances are good that you’ve heard of cognitive behavioral therapy or perhaps you’re participating in one of the various forms of this widely used modality. In fact, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is the most used psychotherapeutic treatment in use today. CBT has been adapted for use with couples, with families...

Can Mental Disorders Influence Addiction?
4 Sep 2019

Why Heroin Highs are Never Worth the Lows

Heroin use is on the rise in the U.S. and one of the biggest reasons is linked to the opioid epidemic. Believe it or not, the cost of heroin can be considered a bargain when it’s compared to the price of prescription painkillers or opioids. Heroin makes its users feel...