
3 Sep 2019

Is Compassion the Antidote to Chronic Anxiety?

Chronic anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns among Americans. In the U.S. millions of individuals suffer from the effects of anxiety, including 25% of children aged 13 to 18. Overall, chronic anxiety affects over 40 million adults, impacting their ability to function due to an ever-present...

The Many Ways Social Support Can Lift Up Your Recovery
26 Aug 2019

The Benefits of Having a 12-Step Sponsor In Recovery

12-Step programs have long been known for their success in providing people with a supportive environment and the structure they need to regain strength in sobriety. The reality is that amidst the throes of addiction, we simply can’t do it alone - we need the help of a Higher...

23 Aug 2019

Why Relapse Doesn’t Mean You’ve Failed

In 2017, Live Science - a website that publishes information related to news, technology, health and more, explained that actor Ben Affleck entered rehabilitation for alcoholism for at least his second time; a Facebook post published by him stated, “...Something I’ve dealt with in the past and will continue to...

20 Aug 2019

Poverty and Addiction: How Each One Affects the Other

In the movies, we often see and hear of people living in extremely poor conditions - and most portrayals depict individuals having become addicted to a substance and later losing everything they own because of it. The National Council on Drug Abuse states that in many other instances, however,...

How Families Can Work Together While Their Teen Recovers from Addiction
19 Aug 2019

Why Your Recovery Story Is Incredibly Important

It’s not uncommon to feel like your life, experiences and feelings won’t make a difference when it comes to someone else’s life. The reality, however, is that other people could truly benefit from your story - because what you have to offer, the insights that you’ve gained and the...

drinking wine
16 Aug 2019

Drunkorexia, A Real Concern Especially Among College Students

If the binge drinking trend continues on college campuses this school year, more than 1,800 students will die from alcohol-related accidents. These deadly incidents include mixing alcohol with other drugs, getting into a car with someone who has been drinking or falling from an apartment balcony. And now there...