
16 Feb 2019

Do Women Face Specific Relapse Risks?

Women and men experience addiction differently, and these effects extend out to recovery as well. Recovery involves a lot of ups and downs, but there are many factors that can help those in recovery remain persistent. Relapse is a common concern, as it is often seen as taking a...

Understanding How the Past Has Influenced Your Present: PTSD, Trauma and Addiction
16 Feb 2019

How Does Heavy Drinking Affect the Adolescent Brain?

As the adolescent brain is developing, it’s extremely vulnerable to outside circumstances. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry explains that the prefrontal cortex is what we use for reasoning, but this does not develop until later on in life. As the brain is not yet fully developed,...

16 Feb 2019

Successfully Transitioning From Residential to Intensive Outpatient Treatment: Your Ultimate Guide

You’re about to complete your residential treatment program, and it’s obvious that you’ve made major strides in your recovery thus far. You’ve participated in 12-Step programs, you’ve kept in close contact with your sponsor, you’ve created a recovery support network, now what? While many people assume that returning home...

What Are Some of the Emotions Families Go Through When a Loved One is Addicted?
15 Feb 2019

Why Gratitude is One of the Most Powerful Forces of Recovery

Gratitude is defined as, “Readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness; thankfulness.” Similar to appreciation, gratitude occurs when we affirm the goodness we’ve received in life. Robert Emmons, a leading expert on gratitude, stated in his Greater Good essay, “Why Gratitude is Good”, “…We recognize that the sources...

What Every Alumni Needs, Even After They’ve Completed Their Program
11 Feb 2019

3 Ways You Can Get the Most Out of AA This Year

One person shared their story of success with AA through the Massachusetts Medical Society. Here is an excerpt from their story: “My life is full of surprises all the time. I am grateful to have a program I can use to help me grow through life’s challenges. I no longer...