
How to Stay Strong in Your Recovery, Even If Your Loved Ones Don’t Support You
14 Jan 2019

What Does It Mean To ‘Listen to Your Body’?

When we’re actively involved in addiction, we find that some of the most basic necessities that we once provided ourselves on a daily basis have become scarce. We neglect those close relationships in favor of spending time with others we can use substances with and we hold back on...

What Every Alumni Needs, Even After They’ve Completed Their Program
12 Jan 2019

What Are Some Books for Recovery?

Joseph Campbell, American Professor of Literature, once stated: “It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” Words are incredibly powerful and sometimes they can give us an entirely new perspective on life. They can make...

How Meditation Can Help You Release Anger and Fear
11 Jan 2019

Shame and Self-Forgiveness in Addiction Recovery

When addiction is active, our brain essentially becomes “hijacked” – which means that our priorities may shift, the people we spend our time with may change and our main focus may pivot over to obtaining and abusing substances. Those who knew us before addiction entered our lives may hardly...

10 Jan 2019

What is Rumination?

As Very Well Mind, a website that provides information on disorders, psychology and symptoms, explains, rumination is when we spend a lot of time reflecting and brooding. When there is something that we’re stressed about – and we begin worrying about it – we may spend so much time...

How Meditation Can Help You Release Anger and Fear
9 Jan 2019

4 Mantras to Motivate You in Recovery This Year

As the New Year has just begun, you’ve likely been surrounded with a lot of talk about New Year’s resolutions. It Is around this time that many people begin to dream and hope for better social connections, improved physical fitness, greater business success and more. As debunked in...

8 Jan 2019

How Do Women in Recovery Remain Vigilant?

In 2017, psychotherapist Anita Gadhia-Smith told U.S. News, “Remember that time [in sobriety] doesn’t exempt you from relapse. Anyone can relapse at any point in time.” Women face unique challenges in addiction recovery and relapse prevention is an area of recovery that begs for vigilance, which is defined as,...

8 Jan 2019

Addiction and Inner Emptiness: Recovery on Higher Ground

American poet, essayist and activist Robert Bly once stated, “The beginning of love is a horror of emptiness.” Although each person experiences addiction differently, it’s safe to say that for many, there’s this inherent feeling of emptiness that lingers and perpetuates a painful, stinging sensation of loneliness, hopelessness and internal despair....