
How Is Opioid Abuse and Depression Affecting Our Teens?
28 Nov 2018

How Is Opioid Abuse and Depression Affecting Our Teens?

The opioid crisis has sparked a national conversation on opioid use and the amount of help we’re providing to our communities. Teens are especially at risk for this; the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has emphasized the fact that many adolescents are mixing opioids with other drugs. Of...

Is Yaba Dangerous?
26 Nov 2018

Is Yaba Dangerous?

Yaba, the Thai word for “crazy medicine” and also called the “madness drug”, is a combination of stimulants. The two main ingredients are methamphetamine and caffeine, and the drug often comes in tablet form, where it is then crushed and snorted, heated and then inhaled or mixed into a...

What Does Recovery Mean to You?
25 Nov 2018

What Does Recovery Mean to You?

If you do a quick search on what recovery means, you’ll likely find a lot of varying definitions. Recovery is a pretty broad term, and while we could narrow it down a bit by adding the context (recovery from a sports injury, recovery from cancer, recovery from alcoholism, etc.),...