
The Rich Young Man Revisited
2 Oct 2016

Sunday Sermon: October 2, 2016

Sunday Sermon: October 2, 2016 Stan Bumgarner M. Div. Chaplain, Cumberland Heights Foundation

5 Sep 2016

A Lesson in Practicing Humility

Sunday Sermon: A lesson in practicing humility "This parable in Luke isn't just a story on social etiquette, but a lesson in practicing humility. We are reminded not to focus on the social payoff or reward of our invitations and hospitality. We are challenged to invite and practice hospitality with...

How Adult Children Heal When a Parent is Addicted
2 Sep 2016

3 Common Questions When a Teen Comes Home from Treatment

When a teen comes home from treatment there are unique challenges the family will face. Many parents have concerns difficult to understand without firsthand experience. During the Adolescent Family Program at Cumberland Heights families are offered the opportunity to speak with parents of our adolescent alumni to gain knowledge from...

10 Aug 2016

Lost Dreams Reawaken: How Cumberland Heights’ Young Adult Program is Encouraging a Return to College

Lost Dreams Reawaken How Cumberland Heights' Young Adult Program is Encouraging a Return to College Young adults are seeking treatment in higher numbers and with more acute addictions than ever before. Recognizing the need, Cumberland Heights has found promise in the Young Adult Program (YAP), integrating a flexible, peer-led approach to treatment...

1 Aug 2016

Sunday Sermon: The purpose and meaning for our lives

Sunday Sermon: The purpose and meaning for our lives "I believe that most of our questions are really about the purpose and meaning for our lives. They are questions about how to cope with problems that feel insurmountable or dealing with a challenge or living with the consequences of past...