Summer is host to some of the year’s most festive holidays and events. Parades, fireworks, barbecues and parties are iconic summer traditions which can be stressful for a person in early recovery. Cumberland Heights staff compiled these 5 recovery tips for summer fun to help you enjoy all the season has to offer.
1. Plan ahead
Don’t let an event catch you off guard. Bring your own beverages to ensure you have non-alcoholic options, and prepare a response if someone offers you an alcoholic drink. Plan an exit strategy in case you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Make certain you have reliable transportation, and bring a sober friend for support and accountability.
2. Do your own thing
Be the party planner. Create a fun barbecue or party so you control the environment. Planning your own event will ensure you’re not put in unwanted circumstances.
3. Mentally prepare
If you’re attending a party or event where alcohol will be served, evaluate your motives before going. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states, “So our rule is not to avoid a place where there is drinking, if we have a legitimate reason for being there. Ask yourself on each occasion, ‘Have I any good social, business or personal reason for going to this place?'”
4. Attend meetings
Go to a meeting every day of the week leading up to and through the event or holiday weekend. If you’re going to be out of town, check local meeting schedules in the area. Meeting makers make it, and a holiday is just another day to stay sober.
5. Ask for support
Don’t be afraid to call your family or friends and ask for support. Ask someone you love and trust to check in on you throughout the weekend.