On this Father’s Day, I thought I might tell you a familiar story with a slightly different message…The parable of the prodigal is not a story about two sons. It is a story about all of us and how easy it is to get lost in our own point of view and our own self will.
The emphasis in the story is not on the sons, but on their father. It is an unveiling of the mercy and the grace of God. The central truth of the parable is the picture of a Higher Power who wants to care for us and who is able to restore us- no matter how lost we have been.
This parable reminds us that we need the initiating love of God. The father did not wait for the son to ask for forgiveness. He was already forgiven and loved for exactly who he was. This parable shows us that amends are not just about our wrongs — they are about the exact nature of our wrongs and what it means to live a life run by self will. And finally, this parable explains why we need to be moved by the impact our actions have on other people. Addiction is a family disease. And whether you are the addict, a friend or a family member, you are probably mad at the people who hurt you. You might get stuck and frustrated when you feel like life isn’t going your way. You are unhappy in your self-will and your sense of superiority. That’s why the uniqueness of the transformation in Step 2 is offered to us all.
Spirituality is not an all or nothing concept. To be spiritual people, we must make spiritual choices. Rigorous honesty is a spiritual choice. Willingness is a spiritual choice. Working the Steps is a spiritual choice as well. So I encourage you to be in agreement with the power of the Spirit today and to do your best to ignore anything that tries to sway you from your primary purpose.