Ways to Give
As a non-profit addiction treatment center, we rely on generous donations from people like you to save lives. Together we can provide hope and healing for those struggling and their families. Below you will find various ways you can help support those at Cumberland Heights.
Donation Options
Donations of any size and planned gifts made to the Endowment Fund help Cumberland Heights today and in the future. The Development Office will help you determine ways giving can meet your financial needs and make a lasting impact at Cumberland Heights. Our annual Endowment Society Reception honors those who have shared their intentions.
A tribute gift is a way to recognize family members, loved ones or a special occasion. Acknowledgements are sent to the family or the individual being recognized with no mention of the amount. Donations are placed in the Cumberland Heights Endowment Fund, unless designated otherwise. Gifts of any size support hope and healing.
Still Waters is a recovery program based solely on the 12-step principles, and staffed entirely by recovering alcoholics and addicts who want to share their experience, strength, and hope with others. Your compassionate support helps individuals and their families access quality care and build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.
A state of the art program that provides up to six months of residential care for teens ages 14-17 with services including individual and family therapy, adventure trips, equine programming and alumni services. Your gift supports struggling teens so they can continue their education while being treated for substance misuse or substance abuse and other co-occurring illnesses such as anxiety or depression.
There are a variety of ways you can give to Cumberland Heights to support those seeking recovery from substance abuse. Click below to learn more about how you can easily give a gift of stock or make a planned gift. Your gifts, in any form, make it possible for lives to be saved and families to be transformed for generations.
Support Our Mission
Whether you’re supporting someone battling addiction who may not otherwise be able to afford it, sending an honor or memorial gift in gratitude or remembrance of a loved one, giving to provide program needs, or simply helping us keep up our grounds you’re making a difference in the recovery community. Thank you for providing hope and healing to struggling families through steadfast and state-of-the-art treatment at Cumberland Heights. Your gifts change lives and help to create promising futures, changing the trajectory for individuals and families for generations to come.
Every year we publish a donor report, highlighting a program or philosophy at Cumberland Heights, and thanking every individual, family, business or foundation who gave to our organization the prior year. Thank you to all who have supported and continue to support our mission.