Cumberland Heights is offering a series of 4 week Skills Training Groups for a maximum of 12 people offered twice a week, lasting 60 minutes in length on the core modalities of the Cumberland Heights Model of Care. These topics include Twelve Step Facilitation, Motivational interviewing, Seeing Safety, DBT and 12 steps, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and ARISE . These groups are not content groups. They are interactive and should make liberal use of demonstration/return demonstration, role play, and use of actual patient scenarios for same, etc.
January—Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF)
This group is for clinicians new to the Cumberland Heights system. It serves those who are new Master’s Degree clinicians who may not be in personal recovery as well as clinicians in personal recovery who may not have had formal training in the EBP of Twelve Step Facilitation.
Prerequisites and Resources: Alcoholics Anonymous, 12X12, NA Basic Text, How and Why It Works, TSF Handbook—some short readings required prior to group series
February—Use of ASAM Criteria for Patient Placement and Care (ASAM)
This group is for clinicians who need practice on how to synthesize raw data from the assessments into a cohesive picture of the patient’s needs throughout the course of treatment using the ASAM structure. as well as to practice how to communicate this information to help a patient stay in treatment and successfully transition to the next level of care.
Prerequisites: Introductory ASAM Criteria Workshop (we will offer this)
March—Stages of Change
This group is for clinicians who need practice at accurately identifying the patient’s stage of change and matching strategies to match that stage, as well as practicing strategies when the stage of change shifts or when the patient is in different stages of change for different clinical issues.
Prerequisites: Stages of Change Introduction (we will cover in Clinical Orientation)
April-Motivational Interviewing
This group is for clinicians who need practice at using MI in every day clinical settings, including patients who have differing perceptions of their substance use and treatment needs than others around them, including the need for ongoing care. The focus of this group is on learning to use the various forms of reflection.
Prerequisites: Basic MI Training (planned to offer); self-paced Power Point prior to group if not
May-Motivational Interviewing
This group continues the practice of MI skills, expanding those skills to include rolling with resistance and practical techniques for use.
Prerequisites: See above and must have attended the 1st MI skills group or similar
June-Seeking Safety
This group introduces the format and CH selected topics from the curriculum with the focus on actual conducting of portions of an SS group, including how to handle common pitfalls such as getting into trauma stories or process. The focus is on learning how to do these basic groups, following the format.
Prerequisites: Trauma 101 either by training or via self-paced Power Point
July-Seeking Safety
This group continues to explore the SS curriculum and its use with individuals struggling with anxiety and depression, as well as how to use the PTSI cluster results to tailor the SS curriculum to the individual patient, using both individual and group work.
Prerequisites: See above and must have attended the initial group or similar skills group
August-12 Step Based Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
This group introduces selected groups, including patient worksheets, for each of the four basic DBT skills, including how the CH Model marries them into 12 Step slogans and tools. The focus is on learning how to do these basic groups, following the format.
Prerequisites: Attendance at introductory training (we will offer)
September-12 Step Based Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
This group continues to explore the 12 Step DBT curriculum and its use with individuals who are struggling to tolerate distress or to regulate in the treatment environment. How to expand the curriculum for use with individuals in individual or group work is explored, with care taken to continue to focus on skills rather than process.
Prerequisites: Attendance at first group or similar
October- 12 Step Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This group focuses on utilizing 12 Step based CBT tools to manage triggers and cravings to prevent disruption in treatment and/or a return to use. How to introduce these tools as a systematic strategy that requires reinforcement and follow up, requiring counselor commitment, is emphasized.
Prerequisites: Attendance at introductory training or self-paced power point
November-12 Step Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This group focuses on utilizing 12 Step based CBT to practice high risk situations that may trigger cravings and/or relapse in the individual patient. The teaching and coaching of role play, assertiveness skills, and ADE (Avoid, Distract, Escape) planning are practiced.
December—ARISE Strength Based Intergenerational Family Therapy
This group focuses on the use of genograms to assist patients and families in exploring trauma at the family and society level, AND to identify and learn to leverage those strengths unique to each family to move into recovery as individuals and as a family unit.
Prerequisites: Trauma 101 or similar; Family systems in SUD or similar